Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Oh Hey....I'm Back

Hi everyone,
I know what you're thinking...."Where have you been?" I know...I know...as many of us teachers know, spring can be busy. It sure was! As the 6 past years of springs in elementary school, I find myself needing to put all my energy into making sure I finish the year strong and keep myself healthy (both physically & and emotionally). Needless to say, I survived and here I find myself almost a week into summer.

We finished school with students last Tuesday and closed up classrooms last Wednesday.

Since then we've been on the edge of Tropical Storm Andrea---lots of rain and clouds. That has since past. However what has not past is my feeling of constantly having to think "GO...GO...GO..."and have teaching on my mind. I've been sitting around at home but my mind has been reeling...2 full days of professional development doesn't help that problem, neither does the strong potential of having to move classrooms.

My hubby is also a teacher and finished his year last Friday, but grad school is consuming his time until this Friday. Therefore, I've had school on the mind as well.

We leave on a trip to Boston and Chicago on Tuesday and I hope to leave my work notebook, calender, and thoughts behind in Florida.

This summer, I will try to leave some of my thoughts on teaching on this blog to simply set them free. I'm finishing up a classroom theme packet that I've crafted over the past few years to help bring my love of travel into my classroom. Stay tuned for the TRAVEL THEMED CLASSROOM SET on this blog and in my TPT Store.

But now, I'm going to leave you with my "June Currently" (I'm linking up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade).
What are you currently listening to, loving, thinking, wanting, needing, and needing for vacation?


  1. I would love to go to Europe again. Hope you have a wonderful time there. I'm loving being lazy too! Summer break goes by much to quickly!


  2. I have the HARDEST time trying to not think about school and worry about preparing for next year!! Hopefully I'll get there before the summer is over! Haha

    Erb Rhymes with Verb

  3. Yay for summer! :D I was listening to Pandora on the TV too when I did my June Currently! Have fun on your summer vacations-they never last long enough! :)

    Miss Hey Miss
